Tuesday, September 14, 2010

PRI's The World Show: a Podcast

     Patrick Cox reports about the Iranian president using a cheap insult, the Inuit dialect, how movies in a foreign language reach the American audience, and driving directions in Urdu.

     Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad used a slang in one of his speeches that is usally an insulting phase.  He said, "the boogeyman snathched the boob."  It's an old Persian saying when women are trying to feed thier babies. In America, it usally means to deal with it and move on.  One man was upset and said it was't very professional to say in a presidental speech.  One New York Times reporter seemed to think he thought very high of himself during an interview.  The Iranian president aslo seemed to use this phase a lot when he was "dissing" the United States.  If I were him, I would watch what he says.

     Linguistic anothropolgist Stephan Leonard is spending a year in Northwest Greenland to study the Inuit language.  It is spoken by the Polar Inuit.  Leonard knows other languages spoken by the Polar Inuit, but he's only gooten as far as a word list for the Inuit language.  The Northwest people are endangered by global warming because a glacier chuck is dangerously close to their hunting grounds. The Polar Inuit people's culture is rapidly changing as well. Will they survive? Only time will tell.

     Many foreign movies have made it big in the states. Most of them have made a lot of money, sometimes with the help of Hollywood. If the movie has a lot of action or just good in general, then there will be a lot of tickets sold!

     In the Urdu language, driving from one place to another can be difficult to say in Urdu. Goceda means go right or straight. There are a lot of roundabouts on Durbi so it's hard to tell a driver to go right or straight. If I went to Durbi and took a taxi to where I needed to go, I would probaly get lost!   

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