Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Exam: Part 10

I found Honors Western Civilization a very interesting class.  I learned about different events in history.  The world is constantly evolving and we just have to keep up with it. There are many different events in world history that have influence on the modern world today.  The class made me question the decisions made by world leaders and the different outcome of each situation.  I came into this class saying I like history.  Now, I come out saying I love history! Thank you for a wonderful year Mr. Wojo!   

Exam: Part 9

William Shakespeare was a true "Renaissance Man" because he had the biggest influence in classic literature.  His plays and poetry is still read up to this day.  The world in awe with his writings and plots of each play.  But what is a real Renaissance Man?  Well, he has to be skilled in multiple areas and must have a very broad base of knowledge.  Shakespeare is a good example because his writings will go down in history.  Although he does not walk the earth today, his spirit will always be heard through his writings.

Shakespeare knew a lot about history.  For example, his play, Julius Caesar, tells the story of the assassination of Rome's dictator and the events to follow after.  Although the dialog may not be historically correct, we know that what happened in the play was true.     

Exam: Part 8

Churches have been around for centuries but the design of each one is different.  The Romanesque churches were built with thick to keep enemies out and were a place of solitude.  The Gothic cathedrals were beautifully crafted and let the light of God shine into the church.  A modern example of how Gothic architecture still has an impact on the world is the Loyola University chapel in Baltimore.  Art has evolved and changed for the Catholic Church, but the love for God remains the same.

Figure #1-Saint George, rotude , photograph take June 8, 2005
Figure #2- St. Denis Chorumgang, interior,, photograph taken April 29, 2005
Figure #3-St. Andrew's church, façade,,_Poland).jpg , photograph taken April 7, 2006 
Figure #4-Cathedrale de Reims, interior,, photograph taken March 18, 2007 
Figure #5-Maria Lach, cathedral, photograph taken April 28, 2008
Figure #6-Notre Dame, cathedral, photograph taken August 6, 2006

Exam: Part 7

The Black Death started with the shipment of food from different areas.  Rats lived inside the ships and they carried many diseases that were deadly.  The food was infected by the rats and the bacteria was very harmful.  The people were in grave danger if they came into contact with the Black Death.  The Bubonic Plague spread like wildfire across Europe killing mass amounts of people and lowing the populations down to small numbers.  At the time there was no cure for a sickness like this, only moldy bread would have helped your body fight off the plague.  The doctors only had one prescription for a victim of the plague: wait for death to come for you.

I have worked endless hours only to tell the people one thing: death is coming.  The look on their faces are horrid. The victim's skin is covered in welts.  They bleed from the nose and do not have any strength to move out of bed.  If there was a cure then there would be no disease.  Only time will tell.

If the Black Death carried out today then the hospitals would be overrun with sick patients.  There would be a vaccine against the plague and a cure for it.  The rats would have been caught and tested for all the disease they carried.  People would have to be very cautious with handling food and sanitation.

Exam: Part 6

Dear Editors:

Honestly, I think that Richard is a good fighter and leader, but I don't think it is necessary for him to go around and advertise his campaign around every corner.  I Saladin, find it a good thing because I now know when my enemies are coming.  My army ready and we will not go down without a fight.  The Holy Land is ours, and the true cross is mine.  Richard has no idea for what is coming for him.  It is my duty to defend my people as well.   I have just enough of a right to the Holy Land as Richard does.

I have been waiting my whole life to see England crumble and the Middle East to rise and become a very big mark on the world.  Tell Richard and his "holy" army to bring their weapons and battle cries.

Exam: Part 5

Question: Is it fair to say the United States is the modern day equivalent of the Roman Empire?

America's Rome

The Roman Empire was one of the greatest powers in history. Other civilizations have come along and and have made their mark as well. Now that the world has become a place where everything is divided up into counties, they have become little empires within themselves. America has had a major influence on the world because of its power, wealth, and generosity it has extended. The United States is equivalent to the Roman Empire.

At a time the Roman Empire stretched as far as the known world. The Romans had the most land. Like today, some countries have a lot of land and other do not. People can also expand the land that they own within their own country. For example, Ralph Caldwell has plans to extend his farm out into another county. "The larger you are, the more you can buy in bulk and then the more efficiently you can produce." (The Anniston Star, 6/8/11) Just like Romans, the bigger the land, the more powerful you were.

The Romans had problems with rebellions or other nations that wanted to take over just as America. The U.S. and parts of the Middle Eats are not on friendly terms. Blasts were given off yesterday in Saudi Arabia. America is not friendly with the country just as Rome was not friendly with the people of Northern Africa. Hannibal wanted to take over but because of a general with a plan to stop him, the Romans succeeded.

The Roman Empire had it ups and downs, but they also started out as a small civilization. They soon grew and got the recognition they deserved. During some parts of its history, there were bad times. The government was out of order and reorganization was in order. Our government has the strongest effect on how the U.S. manages its economy and jobs. Many Americans are still shaken up that they have not found a new job. The president expressed his concern for the loss of jobs. This puts a lot of stress on our nation's leaders and if this happened during the time of the Roman Empire the people would have been outraged.

If the Romans were to visit the United states today, they would surely be shocked. Hopefully they would notice that our government, jobs, and architecture are similar to what they would have been back in their time. The Romans were independent and so is the U.S. Both fought for power. The Romans have a huge influence on America and the world.

Exam: Part 4

Herodotus gave a lot of facts and picked a side, but Thucydides had less information but wrote from each point of view.  


These articles are different because one has the coverage of the death of Bin Laden and the other talks about people's reactions.

The "Herodotus" article just talks about what has happened in our country, not in Afghanistan.

The "Thucydides" article has people writing in and expressing their opinion about the situation.    

Exam: Part 3

Some people say that the Egyptians were obsessed with death.  All their lives they were supposedly preparing for their death.  The Egyptian Book of the Dead provided spells and how you were  to be judged in the afterlife.  First, your heart was weighed by Ka.  If the heart was lighter than the feather, then the person was let into paradise and eternal life.  For those who had a heavy heart, then you were doomed.  It seems like a hard way to put your soul to rest, but the Egyptian rituals had an effect on the world at that time in history and are still learned about today.

The Greeks held funerals for their dead and buried them underground.  The spirit left the body as puff of smoke.  Hades was the god of the underworld and your soul was meant to stay with him.

The Egyptians were more worried about afterlife than the Greeks.   

Exam: Part 2

View Agricultural Revolution Map in a larger map The agricultural revolution was important because it was the start of permanent settlement, growing crops, creating jobs, and the start of an economy. Once people started to settling down and growing food, that was an opening to create work.  Jobs were created to make things, harvest things, and use natural resources to cure disease.  This was the opening of bartering and trade, but later became the exchange of money.  More people settled in the same place in order to exchange services and goods for survival.  As more technology became accessible these communities grew bigger and then developed into states, provinces, or countries.

Map: see above

Washington D.C.- Capitol Hill is desolate.  The streets are barren.  No one dares to waste energy because of the food shortage.  The agricultural system has fallen.  Jobs and resources are scarce.  Money has become tight.  The president hasn't gotten any sleep for the past two days.  On June 6 2222, our American president announced that our agricultural system has broken down.  There is no more money to transport food that has been grown.  The people are moving around, looking for states that offer more crops.  Millions of jobs have been lost and there is no way to reverse the damage done.

The neolithic period was a time when the agricultural system was blossoming but now it has been broken down into nothing.  A statement from the White House will be released soon. For now, we are all on standby.    

Exam: Part 1


Monday, June 6, 2011