Monday, March 21, 2011

Notes On Julius Caesar

  • Played a critical role in the transformation as Rome from a republic to an empire.
  • Caesar was born into a patrician family.
  • There is not much recorded about his childhood.
  • Formative years were tough, hard
  • His father dies in 85 BCE so at 16 years old he was the head of his family
  • Caesar left Rome to join  the army and won the Civic Crown award for playing an important role during a siege 
  • In 63 BCE he ran for the position of the chief priest for the Roman state religion (Pontifex Maximus)
  • Ran for consul in 60 BCE, won and took the position for 59 BCE
  • Soon became in political debt
  • Aristocracy tried to limit his power
  • Once his term in ended, left his province in order to avoid prosecution
  • Defeated tribes of Gaul and joined alliances
  • Meeting was held to have Caesar's governorship renewed (5 years)
  • Helped built a bridge over the Rhine River
  • Revolts start in Gaul, Caesar cannot control it
  • 50 BCE Pompey ordered Caesar to disband his personal army
  • He was accused of treason and insubordination
  • Defeated Pompey, was named dictator of Rome
  • Soon became involved in Egyptian civil war, sided with Cleopatra
  • 47 BCE- Cleopatra is announced ruler
  • Wiped out the king of the middle east
  • Was appointed dictator for the next ten years    

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