Thursday, March 3, 2011

Week #4b Daily #9

Question: Could a force like Alexander the Great exist today? Why or why not?

Answer: I think that there is a force as great as Alexander.  It is called the United States of America.  I don't mean to brag but our country is a superpower.  We don't force other countries under our rule or attack them for no reason, but we are pretty darn powerful.  We are a country that tries to keep the peace and settle disputes.  When the U.S. goes to war, then that's a totally different story.  Our country's leaders try their best to keep the peace, but if we have to go into combat then our "A-game" comes too.  If other countries want to fight, then we will bring all our forces to win and show the enemy who's boss.  Alexander was pretty harsh if you didn't follow his rules but he crucified people for it!  Isn't that a little extreme?  Well I guess that was the thing to do back then.  The United States has their way of handling certain situations and Alexander had his.  He took over many places and killed anyone who wouldn't follow the rules.  The U.S. knows how to enforce rules without having to kill people, unless it is absolutely necessary.  There are many great forces in the world and they have their ways of enforcing the rules and laws in order to protect their people.  Armies fight to defend their country and protect it from harm.  Alexander wanted to expand his empire and take back the Greek honor lost years ago.  The United States wants to be the example of a fully functional country and a place for freedom and opportunity.   

1 comment:

  1. Though this is a great point, I disagree. Alexander was the sort of power that just took over whatever land he wanted, and in many cases, there wasn't much of a fight. Nowadays, people who attempt to become powers like Alexander are shot down by communities, because citizens and subjects have more power now. While I do think the U.S. is powerful, I don't believe we are as powerful as Alexander.
