Thursday, March 17, 2011

Week #5 Daily #5

Question: Imagine you are a Roman in the year 264 BCE (the year of the 1st Punic War). What does your future look like? Then, look at the world around you today. What does your future look like? Think about politics, technology, culture, dominance, balance.

Answer (diary entry): July 264- They won.  The Romans beat them.  A treaty was finally signed.  The Carthaginians attacked the Mediterranean islands and tried to take control.  The people from the islands asked for help from the Roman army along with my brother, Aquila, called to go and fight.  We haven't heard anything from him since last summer.  He told us that that the sun was scorching and his leg had a puncture in it form an arrow.  I'm worried he has gotten sick from infection and didn't fight.  Rome has now become on of the most powerful empires in the known world.  Who's that? Someone is knocking at the door.  Our family has just received news from a Roman soldier that many troops were lost during the last battle.  He also said that they did recover some of the bodies and identified some of the dead soldiers.  It is with a heavy heart that I write that AQUILA IS DEAD.  I can't describe how I am feeling right now.  The tears are flowing freely as I write these words.  Why did the gods let this happen?!  How dare they let my brother just get slaughtered on the battlefield.  All I know is one thing-- he died for the city of Rome.  You went down in honor dear brother and I will never forget you.  I know another war is coming and it will not be pretty.       

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