Monday, March 14, 2011

Week #5 Daily #1

Question: What elements of the Roman Republican political and legal system appear present in the systems of modern democracies? 

Answer: In our American government system today, we have a senate. We also collect taxes and wrote our own constitution.  In ancient Rome, their government system did the same things.  The Romans influenced many countries all over the world through architecture and politics.  They created a democracy that influenced many of the current nations to follow in their footsteps.  The leaders of Rome wanted to give their people freedom, but it ended up with a mix of democracy and oligarchy.  The ruler of ancient Rome was usually a king, but there were some also very small groups of people who were very powerful and took part in important decisions the empire made.  The Romans split themselves into two groups-- the patricians and the plebeians.  These two groups didn't like each other because the patricians took all of the seats in the Roman senate.  This starts the dispute of the orders so the patricians so a decision is made to give a plebeian in the senate.  This person has the job of vetoing any laws the senate wanted to pass.  So the plebeians didn't have any more laws against them.  This ended the dispute of the orders.  New political systems need time to figure out how they will run it.          


  1. I wonder if the United States referenced the Roman government when they were building their own government because I found a love of similarities to....hmmm, something to think about. You did a really nice job it this post because it was clear cut and straight to the point. Good work! (:
    Here's a website that talks more about Roman government, maybe there are more things alike than we know...

  2. the word 'love' it supposed to be 'lot' sorry! (:

  3. I really liked this and it helped me understand more about what we learned in class. You might want to include some information on the history of democracy and the type of governments similar to Rome today. Here are some links:
