Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Week #5 Daily #11

Question: Was Rome better off as an 'empire' than as a republic?

Answer: I think that Rome was better off as republic because the people choose who they want to be as their ruler.  Once again this is another example of how influenced modern nations today.  The American people vote for the future president.  The candidate with the most votes wins the election.  Rome elected many new rulers that led Rome to its high points, and low points.  If Rome had stayed an empire then there would always be the same group of people or dynasty in power.  The people of Rome chose the best person who could lead their civilization into glory.  Take Emperor Claudius for example, he ruled during the time when Rome was an empire.  He "accidentally" became the new ruler of Rome.  Claudius was considered a coward because he hid behind a curtain when he was announced emperor.  The Roman empire didn't want Claudius as their ruler but once they were given an opportunity to elect a new ruler, it gave the people another way to express their opinion.  Rome was in fact, one of the greatest empires/republics in the ancient world.  It went under many changes and through it all, Rome became a very wealthy and victorious civilization.   

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