Friday, February 18, 2011

The Battle of Syracuse: A Legend

Setting: Ancient Greece, Peloponnesian Wars 431-404 BC  

Characters: Narrator, Esdras (main character, name means help), Egeus a barber in Athens

 Narrator: Conflict has risen in Ancient Europe.  War, plague, and death corrupted the Greek society.  In our story, we will meet a mysterious man named Esdras who has quite a story to tell.  One day, this man walks into Athens in need of a haircut.  There, Esdras will meet Egeus, the barber.  Esdras claims the story about to be told is merely a legend, but we all know that it was one of the biggest mistakes that will go down in Athenian history.

Esdras is walking along a dirt road into Athens.  The hot summer sun has made him sweat from head to toe.  Esdras hasn’t cut his hair for a long time and decides to get a trim.

[Enter Esdras]

Esdras: Oh great sun! You show no mercy to the ones who walk miles and miles in the blistering heat! Methinks it is time to get a haircut, for my head cannot hold up with this sweaty, dirty hair any longer.  Low and behold is that Athens I seek, far beyond the hill?  It must be! Maybe I can find a barber to give me a trim. 

Narrator: Esdras continues to walk down the road and finally makes his way into a part of the city where a well-known barber works.  He walks inside and is greeted by the barber Egeus.

[Enter Egeus]

Egeus: Hello sir! How can I help you?

Esdras: Hello! I would like to have my hair cut please. Is there anywhere I can put my sword?

Egeus: Well have a seat! Yes, put your sword on the table there. Once we clean you up the woman can now admire what a strapping young Athenian man you are after we get the hair out of your eyes!

Esdras: Thank you sir. I won’t be in town for long.

Egeus: Why not? You look like a man who needs to settle down and make a family for himself.

Esdras: Well I just happen to be passing through. Do you like stories?

Egeus: Of course I do! Some of the great legends and myths of our culture have shaped our civilization to what it is today! We all have to find a way to explain the mysteries of life, right?

Esdras: Well I have a little legend to share with you. It was a story I found out about not too long ago.

Egeus: Then proceed with the story my good man!

Esdras: Well, once there was a naval fleet of ships off the coast of Syracuse.  This army was having problems of their own with the Spartans. The leader of the fleet wanted to attack Syracuse and hope that they would surrender.  Oh, but it was the biggest mistake he ever made. The general lead his fleet with over 10,000 men to the shores. Little did they know that Syracuse was ready for battle.  The battle was long and hard through the hot days. [Sounds of men fighting and swords clanking in the background.] Blood and tears were shed on the shores. Men were trampled and stabbed to death. You can say it was a blood bath, considering they fought on the shores of Syracuse. [chuckles to himself] A messenger was sent to the home city of the worriers to order for more backup fleets. The backup was sent right away and the men were ready to fight to their deaths. The people of the city waited anxiously for word from the army but they never got any. It was almost as if the army disappeared, or never existed. Search parties were sent out for the men. Some believe the ships were lost at sea, but many believe that the surviving men were kept prisoner and are forced to live life in Syracuse. I believe that the men surrendered and the dead bodies washed out to the sea. I could be wrong, but it’s only a story. So, what do you think?

Egeus: What a story. I have never heard that legend before. Where did you pick that story up?

Esdras: Let’s just say a friend of mine told it to me once before he went off to fight.

[Egeus gives Esdras a puzzled look.]  

Egeus: Well I would say your new haircut looks quite dashing if I do say so myself!

[Egeus hands Esdras a mirror.]

Esdras: Ah yes! I feel like a new man! Thank you kind friend!

Egeus: It was my pleasure! I always love a good story while I can cut hair!

Esdras: Haha! It is quite a story indeed. I really sometimes do wonder what could have happened to the 

Egeus: I’m sure many people think about it.

Esdras: Well I must be on my way. How much do you charge for such a quality haircut?          

Egeus: Another story perhaps! You have a wonderful way of telling stories! Don’t think about paying me, it’s my pleasure to cut your hair.

Esdras: Thank you! It was nice meeting you…

Egeus: Egeus of Athens!

Esdras: It was an honor meeting you Egeus. Thank you again. Have a good rest of the day.

Egeus: Same to you! Goodbye!

[Exit Esdras]

Egeus: Sir, wait! You forgot your sword!

Narrator: Egeus looked up and down the street but Esdras was gone. Esdras was never seen again but there was an inscription in his sword that said “Εγώ επέζησα
 από τον πόλεμο των Συρακουσών” which means, “I survived the battle of Syracuse.”

1 comment:

  1. This is very well done and would make an excellent short film.
