Thursday, February 3, 2011

Venus of Willendorf

The Venus of Willendorf is one the oldest pieces of art that has been discovered.  It was probably a gift or a sacrifice given to someone or something.  It was sculpted of limestone.  One theory is that it could be a symbol of some sort.  Venus of Willendorf is the first real piece of art to be sculpted.  There is no possible way to find out who had made this or why it was made but it gives us a glimpse into 21,000 or 22,000 B.C.  People were hunters and gatherers.  Food was hunted and used for various purposes.  This artifact found is a big insight of what life would have been like and the types of worshiping there was if this was truly a symbol of something.      

1 comment:

  1. You can see more info on this charming artwork at
