Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Week #4b Daily #3

Question: Based on what you know about Aristotle, do you think Alexander had listened carefully to his tutor?

Answer: Aristotle was a Geek philosopher that wrote about many things like physics, poetry, politics, music, logic, and other subjects.  His views of physical science changed the way that people thought up into the Renaissance.  Alexander's father asked Aristotle to tutor his son.  Aristotle accepted, but he asked for something in return.  Alexander's father, Philip, rebuilt Aristotle's hometown of Stageria.  Aristotle taught Alexander many things and he particularly became interested in Homer's works.  Alexander was well liked by his fellow peers and were refereed to as his "companions."  After Alexander turned sixteen, he was no longer tutored by Aristotle.  After Philip leaf to go fight a battle against the Byzantion, Alexander took command.  After that, he began his quest to conquer the rest of the known world.  I think that Alexander took some of his lessons he learned from Aristotle and applied them in his fight to defeat the Persians.  Aristotle had a vast knowledge about many subjects and he knew how a lot about government.  One thing Alexander did not establish was a political system under his new rule.  I suppose he really wasn't thinking about it on his death bed.  Anyway, I think that Aristotle taught Alexander many useful lessons that made him a very successful fighter and leader.       

1 comment:

  1. I love your post Amanda! You did an awesome job! Your a talented writer.;) I would like to know more about Aristotle though.. here is a website to give you more info on him!!!!! :)

    - God's Blessings,
    Grace Leung (favorite asian)
