Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Week #3 Daily #3

Question: Why do you think so many conspiracy theories surround the pyramids and the megaliths? Give examples of a few and explain where you think they come from.

Answer: I think that ancient monuments and statues have so many legends and conspiracies behind them because there is no other way to explain why they are there.  The pyramids were huge burial places to honor their dead.  Past rulers were remembered by ceremonies and were buried with their belonging that they would need in the afterlife.  The megaliths that I researched in Scotland were the cairns.  They were burial sites to honor animals and people.  I think that it was a custom of the ancient cultures to honor important figures in their societies by creating a burial site or chamber to remember the one that had passed.  The stories of the megaliths and pyramids were most likely passed down verbally and then written down later.  Based on the data and knowledge we have about the ancient monuments we still have no idea why they were created or why they are here.  We have evidence that there were groups of people who had some type of religion to believe and worship to.    

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