Sunday, February 6, 2011

Essay: Is Chang a Good Thing?

Every day, history is made and makes the world change.  Progress is made by everyone in the world.  Without history and progress, the world would be idle, or paused.  Since the beginning of time, the world has changed every day.  Humans thought and applied their knowledge to everyday problems.  Those inventions made advancements in technology.  Historians try to uncover the mysteries of the past in order to understand what had happened before us.  The changing world is a good thing because humans need to advance into the future. 

Art can be a way to express yourself.  The ancient art found by some archeologists are clues that give us a peek at the past.  Some carved statues like the Venus of Willendorf are a total mystery.  The statue could possibly be a symbol of something or a sacrifice made to a god.  The cave Lascaux cave paintings are a great example of a story told through art.  The pictures of the animals could mean that they were the types of things humans ate back then.  It could also be a way of worshipping the animals.  There are so many different types of art in the modern world today.  People express themselves through art to explain how they can be feeling, or something that could be happening in their world.  Art can be a way to tell a story, or record historical events. 

The agricultural revolution, or the Neolithic Revolution was a big step that the world had taken.  Instead of being hunters and gatherers, humans had made permanent settlements for themselves.  People took animals and domesticated them.  Some animals like oxen or cows were used for farm work to plow the soil in order to plants the seeds for food.  After this drastic movement it changed the rest of the way that people will live up to the present.  Nowadays, people live in cities, suburbs, and rural areas.  It was a trend that had spread worldwide and establish permanent civilization that claimed land as their own.  

Ancient architecture is strikingly beautiful and mysterious.  It is puzzling to the world how the people of the past created and set up these statues or buildings.  The Mesopotamian society had thrived during the Iron and Bronze Ages.  Many temples and palaces were built during the good times and lavishly decorated when the culture was rich and industrious.  Homes were built like they are today with doors and rooms.  The Indus Valley was an extravagant ancient city that lasted from 3300- 1300 B.C.E. before the entire civilization disappeared.  It was an urban area that was all connected throughout the city.  Ruins of the city have been discovered and it was mostly made of sand and stone.  Many pictures show that a lot of the city looks carved out of the earth.  The mysterious disappearance of the people from the city may never be explained, but their skills of craftsmenship and handiwork was what was left behind.  

The world has changed over billions of years through architecture, settlement, and art.  These factors show the improvement of creativity and ideas in humans.  The importance of the discovered artifacts and ruins are treasures we must conserve to keep hold of the past.  Change is a good thing because if the ways of the past could not thrive in the future.  Everything has to start with an idea or movement but knowledge must be applied to improve and advance ideas.                           

1 comment:

  1. #1: Spelling.

    #2 I would like to hear more about the development of cities and have you explain what direct agriculture had on this.
